5 Ways to Make Dad feel Special on Your Wedding Day

Remind your dad that your love for him will never change by incorporating a few of these ways to make dad feel special on your wedding day!

make dad feel special on your wedding day

Ask for his advice

Many dads don’t expect to be included in the design of the wedding. Make him feel extra special by asking him to share memories of your parent’s wedding day and the aspects that were most memorable and special to him-- then, find a way to use his suggestions in your wedding!

Incorporate Dad into your ceremony

Many couples have their dads walk them down the aisle but there are other ways to include dads in the ceremony. Does your dad love public speaking? Invite him to read a scripture, poetry, or a line from his favorite movie!

Arrange “first look” with Dad

first look with dad

You’ve probably seen first looks between couples but if you’re getting ready with your mom and wedding party, give your dad a chance to see you all made up and in your dress before you head down the aisle.

Be sure to invite your photographer to get photos of the emotional reveal that you and your dad will cherish for a lifetime!

Help him stand out among the crowd

If your dad is an extrovert, help him stand out among the crowd with a fashionable flair. Work with your florist to create a just-for-dad boutonniere that looks different than the ones worn by other members of the wedding party.

Plan a choreographed wedding dance

The perfect way to incorporate some pre-wedding bonding time! Invite your dad to a dance lesson or two so you can master a few special spins, or choose a fun, upbeat song and choreograph the entire dance! This is a surefire way to make memories and bring smiles to guests’ faces during your dance!

Although your wedding is your big day, it’s a big day for your dad, too. When you make him feel special and honored throughout the planning process, ceremony, and reception, you can help him focus on the happy memories and exciting times yet to come!


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